Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 21

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Posted by:

22 Mar 2011

I am considering on purchasing this service to use for my business phone. I would like to know all the details on this and is it worth it because I do not want to purchase something that is not going to work for me.

Posted by:

24 Mar 2011

why can I not call into group calls or seminars with M-Jack. Also I have a lot of fading and noise with M-Jack. Send me an email if you have any information on these problems.

Posted by:

25 Mar 2011

Hi, I have had my Magic Jack going on 3 years now and I definately agree with Bob, the first year I was having some sound quality issues by a small adjustment on volume levels and I have not had a problem since. I have had a couple of drop calls after an hour or so but I swear by the MJ. For $1.70 a month it can't be beat. I dropped my AT&T land line and have saved a bunch of money. I also of no affiliation with Magic Jack it's just a very good product for the cost.

Posted by:

28 Mar 2011

I have a majickjack usb from one year and i want now to pay for the second year

Posted by:

Bob Greene
29 Mar 2011

Magic Jack is at work on its next generation Magic Jack, which does not require a computer to operate, but plugs into the USB port of the typical modem/router.

This arrangement is ideal for those who do not wish to leave their computer running during storms, etc., or simply prefer the convenience of a simpler, always-on connection.

Moving to Magic Jack can be a problem for those who wish to keep their old land-line (POTS) phone number. In contrast, mobile phone users already enjoy the right to carry their old cellphone number with them if they move to another cell services vendor. Is this fair?

My personal campaign is for Magic Jack to provide the same "carry along" option for customers who wish to bring along their land-line phone number-- but without extra fees of any kind, one-time or monthly. As Magic Jack appeals to conventional telephone users to move to Magic Jack, such a FREE, fee-less carry-along option would boost the appeal of Magic Jack by a huge margin with the millions still using land-line phones.

Such a move does concern giants like AT&T, since it still carries the elephant's share of land-line connections, and still makes a huge profit from ancient POTS equipment paid for a decade ago. If I were an AT&T marketing chief, I definitely would take into account we are now in the 21st century, and well past time to re-price the old telephone service way down into the bargain range of $20 monthly, or less. Why let Magic Jack and other companies take your customers?

Posted by:

07 Apr 2011


I have used MAGICJACK for almost 2yrs now, and I have not found major problems.

One thing is for sure that I have found is to have a dedicated Computer System if you don't want to have issues of problem with the unit... Unit works well as long as you are not PLUG and UNPLUG... if you need to plub and unplug, then you should use a second unit and leave one for HOME... for what is the cost $40.00 US for your first year, and $19.95 for every year after or $69.95 for 5yrs.

Also you can re-wired back into your home line... by feeding into one of your existing lines as long this line is not connected to any other telephone companies.

When Magicjack is upgrading software or updates for numbers in Canada... especially if you have changed your number to CANADIAN NUMBERS, they are working with it continuesly... also if you get into a problem when just right click on the MAGICJACK control panel top right area and select ADVANCE USERS, then RESTART and if this DOES NOT WORK then in the same area ADVANCE USERS, select RUN MAGICFIX, and last resource if you must is simple just UNPLUG wait for 10sec and PLUG back in and WAIT.

2. LAPTOP's works too... but make sure you are not using to many other programs to overload your computer.
3. INDEPENDANT Computer WILL ensure that you have uninterrupted communication and NO VIRUS problems... since are not using email or internet searches to get them is a VERY GOOD INVESTMENT.

IF you are still thinking about it, don't think about it JUST DO IT... 99.99% TIMES UNIT is UP AND RUNNING GOOD, plus you can FORWARD ALL YOUR CALLS TO YOUR CELL PHONE to receive every call made to you Magicjack and is FREE.

Posted by:

08 Apr 2011

I've tried two different majicJacks. The first one worked fine for a month or so. Then it began to first slow my internet connection and finally stopped it all together. The application then began to freeze up and would not load at all. I tried to get "technical" help w/majicJack but that was a waste of time as I never did get any help. So, I cancelled my account (at least I tried to). After a few months I decided to try a different module. This time I couldn't even get it verified and software loaded as my original account was never cancelled! Customer service (online chatting only) again promised to fix the problem, but it's now been three weeks and still no help. All I can say is GOOD LUCK if you try this thing!!!

Posted by:

Geraldine Fitzgerald
12 Apr 2011

I received Magic Jack at the end of March. It hasn't worked at all and I want to send it back. I can't find the address to return it anywhere. the envelope was thrown in the garbage immediately as my house cleaner scooped it up as she was taking the garbage out. Can you find the address for me since I don't want to pay for what I can't use. Thank you.

Posted by:

Faisal Khan
13 Apr 2011

I am residing in saudi arabia and wishes to buy a magic jack instrument?kindly guide me.

Posted by:

D. Dooley
17 Apr 2011

I tried Magic Jack a couple of years back because of their 30 day money back guarantee. I had nothing to lose by trying it. Surprise, surprise, it worked quite well. I had no problems at all.I returned the unit before the 30days however because I already had long distance service included on my home phone and cell so it seemes superfluous. But these days money is even tighter and I have dropped my home phone long distance service and no longer have a cell. I will be picking up a Magic Jack again, sometime this week!
This time for good.

Posted by:

23 Apr 2011

It is NOT UNLIMITED calls. If you make to many calls they cancel your account without warning and no recourse or refund.

Posted by:

26 Apr 2011

Hi sir or madam!
iam requesting that my magicjack is work for europe i can recieve all calls from europe but when everr people wants to call from pakistan and saudiarbia they have trouble to make a call and we cant recieve the call from pakistan and saudiarbia when they try to call us they will gert no answer just the heard that , number is incomplete or system is discontact, so plz can u help me out to solve the problem thanx for answer

Posted by:

04 May 2011

I have been reluctant to try Magic Jack because they don’t provide number portability and Magic Jack users are not listed in the telephone directory. I decided that I might be able to live without being listed in the directory, but we have had the same phone number for 17 years………….. lots of people have our phone number. So, in order to test Magic Jack I have used ATT call forward to forward our ATT number to our Magic Jack number. Everything works fine, exceptttttttttttttttt incoming long distance calls get a recording telling the caller to hang up and try the call again.

I reported this to ATT and after 24 of testing they have determined the problem to be MJs.MJ tech support has escalated twice and now say they should get to it in a “day or two” but they don’t seem to understand the problem and state that they are not allowed to place test calls.

Posted by:

Payaso Del Carajo
12 May 2011

How new of a computer do you need to use this device???

Posted by:

the doctor
16 May 2011

Magicjack has been promising porting of your home number for 2 years and has been claiming to be in Beta testing for the last 5 months. Needless to say I am giving up on them.

Posted by:

22 May 2011

I have used magicjack for 3 years on both a laptop and a 5 year old desktop. The main problem you have is the speed and quality of the internet connection. The sound quality is as good as a cell phone. Sometimes I have to restart it but mine stays on 24/7. I have also lived in Mexico for the last 1.5 years and it works real well here for calling back to the USA and Canada. A lot of expats here use it and I would say about 80% are happy with it. Basically for the price and service it can not be beat.

Posted by:

23 May 2011

I have used magic jack 2 years and i LOVE IT!!
I have a new PC now, and the magic jack loads up in seconds, compared to minutes with my older PC.
I can call all USA and Canada for that 19.95 a year.
Being disabled and having to watch spending, magic jack fits right in.
Everyone tells me that my calls are crystal clear, and i would not use anything else.
All i pay is the cable company for my internet, to me the phone is free. Once a year i give them 19.95, or you have the option to pay 59.95 or 69.95 for 5 years.
My OS was XP when i first used magic jack, now i have Win 7 and it works great to.
Once you register the magic jack, then it can be used in any PC to make calls.

Posted by:

24 May 2011

Have had magicjack for a couple years. It works well with any internet connection but the volume is too low for good use on my laptop. The sound quality is good but there is a lag or pause so there is a tendency to over-talk each other. (perhaps can use old radio protocol and say "over")They do cancel service if not used for awhile, but you can contact them online to reconnect for no charge. We use it for travel but not at home.

Posted by:

Joseph M. Gates
25 May 2011

I have used MagicJack for quite a few years since it first came out and I have been moderately satisfied with the service. The only thing that I have a problem with is the voicemail access ability. I find it very cumbersome and difficult at times to retrieve my voice mail. But other than that, I have been very happy with magicJack.

Posted by:

Jan Maratty
26 May 2011

Good Article, I love my Magic Jack!!!

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