Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 13

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Posted by:

15 Feb 2010

I have used Magicjack since last November (2009). For most of that time I have been in the Dominican Republic. Internet connections here are not as good as North America, but Magicjack has worked great. No problems.
I have family in Florida and Canada. They all have Magicjack. Together we have saved hundreds of dollars in long distance charges.
The other nice thing about it is we can also call friends in the US and Canada without paying anything, even if they don't have Magicjack.

Posted by:

19 Feb 2010

I purchest a magic jack last friday an i never recieved it

EDITOR'S NOTE: Maybea yoo spelt yor adresse worng.

Posted by:

20 Feb 2010

I know that you can delete the previous phone numbers you dialed or received. But is there a way to retrieve that back again?

Posted by:

Pete Cainglit
22 Feb 2010

Magic Jack really works, I carry one while on vacation. It even works with USB prepaid broadband gadget. Some hotels charge so much for their internet connection so I bought a Smart Bro from Smart Communication and for $2.50 you can be online for almost five hours using the net or your magic jack calling the U.S. or Canada. I bought 5 magic jack for the last 2 years and left some of them in the Philippines. magic jack works like magic.

Posted by:

25 Feb 2010

Does anyone know about the quality & reliability of netTALK's TK6000 and how it compares with Magic Jack?

The TK6000 is $100 for life and unlike Magic Jack can connect not only to the PC but also directly to a router saving having to turn a PC on to make and receive calls.

Posted by:

25 Feb 2010

MagicJack recently lost a defamation lawsuit that it filed against Boing Boing.

Terms of service include the right to analyze customers' calls—and have various iffy characteristics of its website.

Posted by:

Don B
27 Feb 2010

We have been using the MJ for just over a year now! And after a few bugs in our own computer system were worked out, we use it all the time now. We bought a great old "LOOKING" coin payphone to hook it up to, and shut MaBell OFF !

Posted by:

Kwami Bepkoe
28 Feb 2010

I had Magic jack but but am not pleased with the sound quality. Have you heard of OOMA VOIP PHONE? If you have what do think of it. Am confused because the reviews go either way and I don't know which direction to take.

Posted by:

02 Mar 2010

YES magic jack allows Trojans and viruses to attack your computer. Many anti-virus/trojan software will show you that it is Magic Jack. Twice this week alone after using Magic Jack I got trojans. AV2010 was one of them. I have now disconnected my Magic Jack and am reporting Magic Jack to the BBB and any other online reporting sources.

Posted by:

04 Mar 2010

It's 1 week I have MagicJack and I LOVE it. I already spoke over 300 minutes long distance and did not cost me a dime. For the ones that say its not a good product, don't believe them, try it out yourself and judge for yourself. This will save me hundreds of dollars a year. LOVE IT... LOVE IT.... LOVE IT

Thank you

Posted by:

07 Mar 2010

We really wanted to love MJ, really, we did. However after a 3 month trial, we switched back to Vonage. We were seduced by the incredible pricing, but in this case, you definitely get what you don't pay for!

Our chief complaints were such:

1. It was not "green." Having to keep our PC on all the time is not an option. It added a considerable amount of $$ to our energy bill, even if we turned off the monitor.

2. MJ is incompatible with certain software, i.e. DVD burning/conversion software, for one. If one is running, the other won't; this happens with other memory intensive software as well.

3. Great for Cable/DSL, not so for earth-bound wireless. For rural areas like ours, this is the only option to dial-up, and works fine for streaming videos, etc., but not enough for the mighty MJ to provide quality calls.

Like I said, we were very bummed out, but it didn't work for us because of these reasons.

Posted by:

08 Mar 2010

where can i get magic jack i live in marianna fla

Posted by:

11 Mar 2010

I have Magic Jack for about an year. It is good when you have fast internet and don't forget to shut down consuming applications picking up the phone. The minus is that it doesn't work with fax machine. There are some suggestions about how to solve the problem (exclude error correction in the fax machine, lower the speed of fax transmission etc.) but I didn't solve it yet.
My friend who suggested me to get Magic Jack takes it with laptop on vacation in Mexico economizing International calls back home.

Posted by:

James Faver
11 Mar 2010

I purchased a MagicJack over two years ago and I still can not get a local phone number.
This company is almost impossible to contact. If you do get them it is on their website chat support only.
I live in the third largest city in Indiana and when I ask them when they will get a local area code all I get is we are working on that.
My Magicjack is in a drawer until I get a local phone number, which may never happen.

Posted by:

12 Mar 2010

if a buy mj can i call to my country nicaragua any time I want and any time I want to talk and how much going to cost me and how this work if I have to have conect mj in my cpu in usa and one in my country ? please send me a email I want to know thanks

Posted by:

12 Mar 2010

I purchased a Magic Jack a year ago and payed for 2yrs service. At the end of the first year my service was turned off. Now when I try to reach
someone to talk to about this I am told I must pay
a fee up front before anyone will talk to me about
my problem with magic jack. The fee is $9.00 I
have to pay it if my phone is to be turned back on. What Elsa can I say other than I was ripped OFF.

Posted by:

15 Mar 2010

Magic Jack is as good as fast your CP is.If you run a lot of programs MJ will lack on quality.Music-programs must be turned off.USB 1.1 is not compatible, only USB 2.0 is.
I can receive fax to my fax-scan-copy combo machine with MJ through the zerofax web services, but I can not send any fax out because I think this new machine is to fast.Sound quality is very good, I never had any problems.I like the free 411 future.

Posted by:

Bill Ernstberger
16 Mar 2010

My wife and I have been using magicJack consistently for about a month now and have no problems with it. The sound quality is just as good as anything else, landline or VOiP. We've discovered no glitches other than the computer having to be on all the time. But, we both go to bed rather late and get up late, and so we turn the computer off at night and turn it on when I first get up. We keep the cell phone by the bed just in case of an emergency. $20 dollars a year sure beats anything else out there!

Posted by:

lone Gunman
23 Mar 2010

I've owned a magic jack now for almost a year. My internet connection is a 3G laptop connect card from nTelos wireless it's a 1.2m connection that works great for internet stuff.

Magic jack worked pretty good for the first month, which was the free trial period, but after that call quality dropped off a cliff! People I called could hear me fine but incoming voice sucked and half the time I only got about half the conversation from the person I was talking to. MJ did change something in their software/firmware that was suppose to stop this but I still have problems with it.

Second problem is like others, NO LOCAL NUMBER, which means that if my next door neighbor wants to call me on my MJ, that call is LONG DISTANCE for HIM as the number is local to a town 70 miles to the east of where I live.

Bottom line is that yes, it does work, kinda, and at times it's better than others but the lack of a local number that isn't long distance for my neighbors takes away a lot from the plus side for me.

I still use mine occasionally but I doubt that I'll renew the yearly subscription when it comes due in May!

EDITOR'S NOTE: Consider yourself lucky if you can use any VOIP service on a wireless connection.

Posted by:

23 Mar 2010

I am an executive of a significant Medical Technology company and I travel throughout the US and abroad. I got so disgusted with the outrageous phone charges calling back into the US that I tried MagicJack. Since I needed Internet access anyway when traveling, I figured why not. GREAT product! I call the US toll-free and talk for as long as I wish from anywhere in the world. Sound is occasionally not perfect, but that is the Internet connection, not the MagicJack. If someone wants to reach me, they simply call my MagicJack provided phone number and leave a voicemail which I can listen to and return a call when I am back on my notebook PC. AND… I even get an email message on my iPhone (which I still use for email, but not phone when in certain countries) advising me that I received a voicemail and it is waiting. Best technology buy in the world for a frequent traveler.

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