Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 4

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Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I was really looking forward to trying MagicJack. However, I could not get it to load. The technical support team wasn't able to help me either. I returned the product without any problems.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I had many connection issues with MagicJack. It worked great with my laptop & wireless router but terrible with my desktop. Frequent dropped calls, constantly reloading the program or rebooting the system to get it to work. Finally, my router failed. I purchased a Netgear unit (WGT624), connected my desktop to it and haven't had a single problem since. My apology to the folks at MagicJack. It is a good product.

Posted by:

Jim from KC
04 Feb 2009

Everything that you have stated is accurate. We ditched the landline six months ago, and haven't looked back. Once in a great while, there may be a garbled connection, I simply redial the number, it works great.

Posted by:

Samuel Brown
04 Feb 2009

I have had my MJ since August 2008. I have had problems but none that couldnt be solved. I think the most valuable feature of MJ is you can use it anywhere as a local phone number in any area in US or Canada. At first I had a problem with my MJ because I hadnt disconnected the local telephone service and I was getting static. The static was my faultI had a phone connected to the local ATT service and the MJ connected to the same line. Then I got one of those princess phones with no AC power into a wall plug. I plugged the phone with no power to the MJ module then to the USB port and the static problem stopped. MJ truly does what it advertises. I use my MJ with a hot spot and a laptop thus establishing a cell phone. The device is amazing-- Ive found only my mistakes have caused problems with MJ--I would fully recommend MJ.

Posted by:

Mark H. Schwartz
04 Feb 2009

The Magic Jack works excellently! Never had a problem with it. Even use it when camping, since most campgrounds now have wifi for laptops. Just boot up & plug in cordless phone in Magic Jack & you have free long distance anywhwer in US. Military members can also use it overseas where they have internet & then call home for free!

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

My dad works in the US so we used to spend a fortune calling him and him calling us here in the Philippines. Then he learned about MagicJack and it was like unearthing a treasure! He tried it first and when he liked it, he sent it to us. We've been using it for 6 months now with no hassle whatsoever. The audio is very clear and we can talk for hours with (almost) no interruptions. No, it's not perfect, but neither are any telecoms companies. We've been saving a lot in phone bills.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I have been using MJ for almost a year and have the 6 year package for $110 including the device.

Because I'm in Canada, I had to select a State to obtain an area code and tried a state where I have a friend with whom I speak many times a week and sometimes for more than 2 hours at a time and fortunately got the same area code as he has so now he can call me for free also even without having MJ as it is a local call for him.

I have had some sound issues but we have overcome and have used MJ while traveling which when at a hotel where I'd use wireless internet anyway, I now can avoid the excessive hotel bills for phoning locally as well has being able to call L/D in US and Canada.

My wife frequently speaks with family for more than 2 hours at a time and have never been booted.

So far a great product and we recommend it in the PC Tech room in Paltalk which is where I learned of it first.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I have had MagicJack for several mnths (I will soon have to pay for another yer of service). I already have VoIP, so it is noty that novel, but I have seen no problems with it. The phone I was using did not seem to want to dial the numbers, so I used the computer for dialing. That nay not be a MagicJack Problem. I also lent it to my son for about a month now. He finds it works fine. Neither of us are the type to stay on the phone for hours, but if it is a problem, I would re-classify it as a boon.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I love mine. A couple of thoughts:
1) I got poor results @780kbps, I upgraded my DSL to 1.3 mbps and results are great. (Can't download during a call)
2) Can be used world-wide, to correct Bob's column, not just US and Canada.
3) "Live Chat" customer service better than phone customer service.
4)Occasional hiccup, but well worth much more than $20/year(don't tell MJ)
5) I use XP w/2.6 ghz, 2 g ramm which isn't a powerhouse, but adequate. Be interested to know if the new little netbks would support the MJ.

Posted by:

Ed Viani
04 Feb 2009

I like the hands-free aspect of using the Magic Jack. Click on the menu and then click on "switch to headset" and you can talk using your computer microphone and listen to the responses thru your speakers.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

The big problem with arr internet phones, is when power goes out, so does your computer and phone. Your phone company land line still works. If you like to gamble on power outages, go ahead. I'll stick to the phone co. and my MCI calling card at 3cents a minute for long distance.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

We worked all afternoon trying to install Magic Jack with no success. I disabled the USB lower power and still no success. It is going back until they resolve this issue.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I tried MJ. Sound Quality was terrible. Lot of popping and clicking noises. Tried to get it resolved with their Tech support on several occasions. We were not able to solve the issue. I also have Vonage. Vonage was and still is clear as a bell, MJ was not. My broadband speed was not an issue. 5Mbs down and 376 up. I request an RMA and returned the unit. They refunded my card promptly.

I really wanted it to work.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I have Magic Jack. I have two major issues with Magic Jack. It does not work if you are connected to most VPNs. I am a teleworker, and was hoping that I could be logged into my company's network and still use Magic Jack. I was hoping to save on phone service during conference calls.
Second, the technical support is very poor. I had to return my Magic Jack because I tried a friends Magic Jack on my computer first. After ordering my own, Magic Jack technical service could not get my majic jack to work on a computer that had previously installed another persons profile. I still can use my friends, but not my own. I do not want to get into the technical issues, but the only support is via chats. I worked more than 8 hours over 2 days with there support. I was passed several times to different engineers, and they never determined the problem. They just did the typical shotgun support methods. Furthermore, there is no phone support option only support via chat. Eventually, I decided to request a refund. I have to say that my friends Magic Jack worked pretty well on my computer. Sound quality was not great, but acceptable. You certainly cannot beat the price.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

I heard the commercials for months before trying. I was very skeptical - I am tech challenged and didn't think the install would be as easy as they said it was - it was EASY. I love the magic jack. I tried to drop my land line, but AT&T gave me a 1/2 deal on my internet so the cost of keeping the lowest land line + internet was about the same. They are afraid of losing their land line customers - with the magic jack, they should be. LOVE IT!!

Posted by:
04 Feb 2009

I have Magic Jack for almost a year and I could see why people have complained about the product.
On my first computer that I installed the Magic Jack, it worked just fine. But on the several other computers (Vista, Windows XP PRO and Home ) I did notice some software conflicts. Either on it taking a long time to install or for just getting the Magic Jack to work correctly without any echo's or dropped calls.
Magic Jack does work but you have to find the right computer to make it work. ( currently running on WinXP PRO )
Regardless I am quite satisfy for the price and value.

Posted by:

Howard Dickie
04 Feb 2009

I've only been using MJ for a little over one month, and not very much during this time. Have had some dropped calls, clicks, etc. Major problem is that I can not yet use my present area code! MJ assigned me another code that then makes it a long distance call if someone local wants to call me, therefore, I have not given out my number. If I cannot get my local area code, this year, I will return the thing and go to Vonage!

Posted by:

The Geezr
04 Feb 2009

Have seen the innfomercial many times and it's as Bob describes it - cheesy, but also interesting. Here's my issue: I have 768 DSL from QWEST with basic landline service, which is necessary to have the DSL. Therefore, how is MagicJack a deal for me? I'd being paying twice for "free" i-net telephony...

EDITOR'S NOTE: If they bundle the phone service with the internet service, then you're stuck. Unless you drop QWEST and go with another Internet provider.

Posted by:

04 Feb 2009

Magic Jack contains spyware and keyloggers and is almost impossible to uninstall.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I suggest that people read the MJ end-user license at I just read it and it says "We do not provide any personal information to our advertisers or third parties."

Also, you are incorrect about spyware and keyloggers -- that's nonsense. As far as uninstalling, you're right that there is no uninstall feature, which is not good. I suggest for helpful instructions.

Posted by:

Just a Reader
04 Feb 2009

Does it use E911? If my kid dials 911 as I lay having a heart attack, will 911 need to ask my kid what our address is? "Where are you?" "At home." Not going to get an ambulance to me. There needs to be more info concerning it's capacity to route emergency calls to a local 911 center that can identify a physical location, not a centralized call center out in Timbuktu.

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