Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 18

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Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

I am using it right now. I've "killed" my landline and I am happy with it. It is $20/year - not even $15/month with the same quality and almost all services in US and Canada. There are certain minuses with it but I am not sure these are the minuses of the Magic Jack but any IP phone I hope. Here they are:
1)You can not use fax machine through Magic Jack. People say you can do it but I was not successful playing with it.
2) Don't forget to shut down "heavy traffic" computer applications when you have important phone call because it is lowering the connection quality. Same time in my home computer networking I am surfing and my wife is talking Internationally and it could be everything fine for 3-6 mgbt/sec ISP.
3) I don't know why but some companies do not pick up phone calls from my Magic Jack. I call and call and it is always busy line. I call from cell phone and get immediate answer.

Posted by:

Lorin Dalberg
05 Nov 2010

I have had the MagicJack since it first came on the scene. It has been for the most part a positive addition to my life. I have had to call the tech boys about 4 times in about 4 years, they always solved my problem with a thorough exam of my machine and once they used a live look at my computer and fixed it in about 2 minutes. I have had some problems, but they have been mostly because i use a portable phone and sometimes get interferance in my house. I will work in Windows 7 with a little nudgeing. All in All very happy with MagicJack. Lorin Dalberg

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

I live in South America and my daughter sent me a MagicJack several months ago.

I don't use a phone, I use the head set from my computer and it works great. I use it for my family and my wife calls friends in the USA.

I am on broadband if that makes a difference.

I recommend it.


Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

So why pay for a MJ when you can make free phone calls on Google?

Posted by:

Klaus W. Malz
05 Nov 2010

I have MJ ever since it came out (was not available in stores then) and can only recommend it highly! All my experiences are positive, and with 2 cents/min. it works great for me to talk to my friends in Germany.
My vote for MJ is abslutely positive!

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

Thank you for the related article and the comments herein. The comments answered my question about having to have the computer powered up to be able to receive calls. I would think that this fact is an important piece of information especially for people that are not especially familiar with computers.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

Got it several years ago, works great. Suggestion would be to put PC, modem, switch, ect on a UPS. It "may" be usable in a power outage and be not need reastarting after a little power glitch.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

I have had a MJ for more than a year and have found that does exactly what is advertised. I recommend it to my friends and family. It really is handy on a trip since all I need is my laptop and a wireless hotspot.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

Works good IF you have a fairly new computer and a USB 2 card. It'll work with USB1 but not well. Like any other device on your computer, if you run other CPU intensive programs, it gets a smaller slice of the pie and quality suffers. None of the folks who complain about it seem to have determined if they got a good UBS2 port, etc, etc. You can plug about any phone into your wall phone jack, but you do need to have a brain cell or two to use Magic Jack successfully. I've used it for 2 years. No problems since got new computer with USB2 port.

Posted by:

Joe Gillam
05 Nov 2010

OK, but about 10-15 years ago you could download a free voice over IP program and make worldwide calls for free with just a simple $1.00 headset from the Dollar Store. Then along came Uncle, put filters on the voice Over IP and now sells the cuts to companies such as Majic Jack. Such a deal, $19.95 a year for what used to be free! And, of,course the same is true of all the access to name search, tax base search and all the other that you now need a special cost paying program to get. Thanks Uncle, but I still love you ... Joe, Hinesville, GA

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

I have had MJ for 1 1/2 years.Only problems I have had is, I believe associated with windows. Windows does not correctly release memory all the time, but this can be corrected by powering down the system, and rebooting. This is usualle indicated by garbling or intermittant voice.

Posted by:

janet cook
05 Nov 2010

But on Google do you get a phone number? MJ provides you with a US phone number that people can call and reach you anywhere in the world, whether or not you're on the Internet at the time.

Posted by:

Ray Walker
05 Nov 2010

I am a Vonage and Skype video call user for, at least, five years. My experience with with both have been excellent. Performance and support have been great since I never have to use them. Google voice sounds interesting.

For Jack Alexander, who can't uninstall Magic Jack, download Revo Uninstaller from (cnet)at

Also, FileAssassin does a great job too. Find it at cnet, too.

Posted by:

06 Nov 2010

I purchased Magic Jack because their advertising mentions free long distance service. I was in a program where I needed to make a long distance call every week and be on the call with a group of people. I figured this would be just what I needed. The first call worked fine except that after about an hour I lost the call. The following week I called the same number and I got a recording stating that you cannot make conference calls through the MJ service. If that is the case, then why did it work the week before?
Customer service cannot be contacted by a voice phone call. You have to type in your problem online, which took a lot of time to explain the problem. They said that MJ has classified that phone number as a conference number and I would need to call his supervisor and try and get that changed.
I was not about to waste anymore of my time. I think Customer service should have taken care of getting the phone number changed so it is not classified as a conference call.

Why should it matter to Magic Jack?

That was not stated at the time that I signed up for MJ.

This was about 8 months ago, so I don't remember the exact details.
Magic Jack was a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY for me.

Posted by:

06 Nov 2010

It's not just Magic Jack, all VoIP providers are garbage. Good luck with 911 calls. One provider actually charges $25.00 for a 911 call.
VoIP is good only for internal PBX's and company's that can afford 10-45Mb pipes between offices. Not until the telcos get off their @#$% copper cable plant and install fiber everywhere will things improve in North America. Telcos are milking us for as long as they can, telling us what great internet service they provide while the rest of the world is passing us by at 100Mb speeds.

Posted by:

07 Nov 2010

Greg, if you haven't tried MJ, don't criticize it. They don't guarantee 911 service, but it is on there, and your address is on file, so on a 911 call, you will be found.
I have used it for about 3 years, and was happy to give up phone line service.

Posted by:

07 Nov 2010

Your are limited to available area codes, you also are limited to the number of calls you may make or receive per day via there (TOS).
Not worth it...
Defiantly a Scam....

Posted by:

08 Nov 2010

I HAVE M/J FOR About two years, at first the only problem was static. recently it is clear for about 5-10 minutes then cuts out. I tried
texting with their service reps,about 5 times
spending 1 1/2 to 2 hours each time. nothing helped. you can not talk to a service tech. there most be a reason for that. i am fedup and will not renew my subscription

Posted by:

08 Nov 2010


Posted by:

R. Scantling
10 Nov 2010

I bought one Magic Jack a few yrs. back. Not till I hooked it up did I find out that it will not work on a satellite internet connection. Wild Blue says they are working on the compatibility issue.

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