Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 17

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Posted by:

18 Sep 2010

I thought MJ was a great idea so I tried it. It did not work for me. I called MJ customer service to return the device and after several pages of e-mail chat, you can't contact a person by phone, I was told to return the device. I did. I went on line and verified that they received it. That was a year and a half ago and I'm still waiting for my refund. My opinion is that the company and everyone who works there is a thief and should be in prison. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this experience. I don't trust anything I find on the Internet. My experience is that 90% are frauds. If this comment doesn't post or is edited it because MJ bought BobRankin's soul for "two bits" on E-Bay.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Why wouldn't I post your comment? I have no vested interest in the success or failure of Magic Jack...

Posted by:

23 Sep 2010

These are really easy to get at your local Staples store now. I've used mine for almost 2 years now and have gotten past the initial terrible customer service problems of early 2009. Love it now. Just as easy to use as my old services with my multi-phone cordless system throughout the house. Includes free caller ID, call waiting, and voicemail -- both accessible via phone and by emails of audio files that I can track/save important message history. The only problems I've had are occasional voice quality/dropped calls (actually less frequent than when I had VoIP through my cable company!), connection drops if my computer gets a popup window from either my Verizon Fios internet service or HP printer (so I run to the pc when I notice this about once a month and click a few buttons), phone buzzes when using nearby microwave, can't see caller ID of a call coming in when you're already on a phone call, and have been unable to get FAXES to send. Now I'm aware of the quirks, have figured out ways around the little annoyances, and use I've dedicated an old computer to the Fios and MagicJack setup, run my phone base set through it, and I've got a very cheap phone service that works very well.

Posted by:

30 Sep 2010

Hi I have a magicjack & planning to go on a vacation to india. Can I transfer all my magicjack incoming calls to my INDIA CELL PHONE? If so let me know how can I do that.. Thanks, Vishnu

Posted by:

30 Sep 2010

I have a MJ and don't always use it...........Lately I cannot get on to the internet to use it......This device kept telling me it is signing in and then an error 3. I have tried thier solution, but nothing happens after.....Need to speak to a CS rep...Thanks

Posted by:

02 Oct 2010

how can a get a number for magic jack,because me am from Albania so were a can gat the number for mu magic jack plz help me....bay bay

Posted by:

Tom Ruppert
06 Oct 2010

I think magic jack is great, but what bothers me
is when you try to use it, zonealarm and systems mechanics go crazy! I'm an original user. In the
old days there used to be one at most two line
items in zonealarm. Now there are 6 or more. I've
no notion what any of it means. One has to do quite a bit of machinations to just simply have it work reasonably safely. This looks like
a hackers dream. Warning!!! MJ can be tapped.
The company has a lot to answer for, for normal users.
Interestingly, they're hard to find.

Posted by:

06 Oct 2010

Make sure it's what you want because there are no refunds after 24 hours. I had MajicJack for 1 years. Hardly ever used it. Too much hassle. If you wanted to make a call I could never pick up the phone without some hassle of resetting, or rebooting the phone. This year I renewed with my own area code but it was no different. Tried to get refund, but insisted they fix it. Two hours later, not fixed yet. When having conversation, sometimes speech is broken. You can hear the breaking in the dial tone before you even call. Nor impressed at all.

Posted by:

07 Oct 2010

I live in Italy and have been using Magic Jack for a couple of years to keep in touch with my children back in the USA. I have never experienced any problems with this service and have saved thousands of dollars in international phone bills. The only time I am hindered is when the networks are bogged down but that is not the fault of Magic Jack.

Posted by:

08 Oct 2010

I have a MagicJack that has worked fine with Vista and Win7 for quite a while now. I really like it. The other day, I got the pop-up for this new thing "Magic Talk" and everything went sour. The unit will not load on my Win7 machines, but will still work on the Vista (which is a laptop). When I contacted support, I got a total run around from 3 techs
Being a tech support person myself, I understand the need for 'hands on' in some cases, but one has to build trust first - they didn't.
When it was all said and done (2 and half hours later), I was left with a formatted MagicJack dongle and still no service on my Win7 Machine.
I plan to continue using the service (I have it set up to email me when I get a voice mail) since I paid for 5 years of service when they had a special.
It would be nice if they would do some repair work on their customer service. I am not sure where I was sending text to, but a lot of the replies were macros (and repeated back when I asked a question they did not seem to understand). And for goodness sake, get a land-line (or use their own technology to supply dial up service to their techs) so one could talk to a 'real' person.

Posted by:

K N Turner
20 Oct 2010

I considered Magic Jack, but I'm enjoying Google Voice. All calls in the U.S. are free and I have crystal clear reception. Plus you can have your Google phone number ring your home and/or cell phone. It's fantastic! And I don't have to pay the $39.99 and have to leave my computer on 24/7 as one has to do with Magic Jack.

Posted by:

22 Oct 2010

I use to think magic jack was great, but now i cant get any service the magic left magic jack!!!
I'am looking for a new product .cant get any help on line or off.I paid for a 5 year they have my money and I have nothing to show for it.

Posted by:

27 Oct 2010

i would like to get 4 lines

Posted by:

29 Oct 2010


EDITOR'S NOTE: Have you contacted Magic Jack's customer support?

Posted by:

John Hubbard
02 Nov 2010

I've used magic jack for 2 years without a problem. Now, however, everytime I plug in the jack, I have messenger 5.1 trying to update. I don't have messenger 5.1 or any other version installed on my computer. Teck support is totally useless. Also after 2 years of phoning one particular number, I now get a recording saying that this number can not be called as dialed please try again. The person on the other end of that number can phone me, but I can't phone her. Again, tech support is totally clueless. I'm looking for something to replace magic jack, I'm totally frustrated.

Posted by:

04 Nov 2010



Posted by:

Jack Alexander
04 Nov 2010

My understanding of the device is that it installs itself, but there is no way to uninstall it. This creates a privacy issue and is, in my opinion malware. Skype can be uninstalled and so can a number of other services like this...

Posted by:

Janet K. Cook
05 Nov 2010

I've used it from Germany for a couple of years so we have a Stateside phone for callers. Sure makes it easier to fill in forms that only allow a fixed phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx, since international numbers don't fit! Also, the voice mail feature is very handy--the wav file of the message immediately pops up in my google mail. Then I can just call them back. I don't have a good enough Internet connection (we have 448 kps/seconds--barely faster than an ISDN connection) to really use it for conversations, but just these features have made it worth it to me. We've used it on the road in Tunisia, England, and the States and it's worked fine everywhere.

Posted by:

Don Aldridge
05 Nov 2010

If you want better sound quality and operation with Magic Jack switch from using a phone to using a good quality headset. I have had my problems with the system and have even had to replace a Magic Jack( @9.95 ) but I am still hanging in.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

I bought Magic Jack 2 years ago, and think it's worth what you pay for it. Sometimes in the middle of a conversation, the voice gets garbled, and I think it happens when someone is using the computer for other things. One thing I don't see anyone else talking about is the fact that you cannot fax on the Magic Jack line, so if you need that feature, you might as well keep your land line. Decent product.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2010

Used it for maybe 50 calls. Would have to hang up and redial as 60% of calls had static or sounded like at the bottom of a tennis ball can. Upgraded pc to Win7 64 Ultimate and DOES NOT WORK!. Wasted over 3 hours with tech support in far away country. He couldn't solve issue. Escalated to US tech support...a supervisor. Another 3 hours blown. Have not used it in 8 months because it will NOT WORK. By the way, have 4MB cable service so that is not the issue on call quality

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