Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 22

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Posted by:

23 Jun 2011

i live out side of united states and have several relatives in us and have sent me this majic jack device and i hook it up with my line phone and plug it to my computer and it appears a sign which says "download in progress and do not plug" i waited too long but i didnt get nothing can i get the majicjack software sold separetly

Posted by:

27 Jun 2011

the Magic Jack works great in most cases.However I have noticed that you cannot use other applications while using it.If I try to use my wireless mouse or keyboard it creates a repeating echoe in my head set while I am talking on same.The other problem I have noticed while talking to my Girlfriend is....It times out after 90 mins .I have noticed this on every occasion that the call goes to that point .I have to wait approx.% mins and then redial and it works okay after that

Posted by:

debra johnson
03 Jul 2011

I can't use my phone because it says I havr no access to this accout and another application is being used please fix my problem

Posted by:

06 Jul 2011

I purchase the Magic Jack and it works OK. Just remember that it only work with a computer so the computer has to be on to get or send call. I used it to call Canada and U.S for free. I sent it to a foreign country and they used it to call us or U.S for free. If I try to call that number it never answer because their computer if off but it will take a message and you can hear it online when you log on. Also if somebody call them and leave a message I am the only one can pick up that message because it links to my email address and my account.

If you have relatives abroad that make a lot of calls to the United States and Canada it is good for them to have one at $20 per year.

Posted by:

18 Jul 2011

I notice they don't tell you that the high speed bandwidth is not free. You fire your phone company, and you may end up paying as much as $50.00 per month for high speed service from them without the phone number.

Posted by:

26 Jul 2011

it may work but not with satellite tried it and it doesnt work because the 7 second delay with sat com so if you have hughes or wild blue forget it besides both are sucky internet why would phone service work with them and yes still have hughes nothing else beside dial up here so crappy service for 60 bucks a month or no service(dial up)for 20 bucks a month

Posted by:

06 Aug 2011

Like many, my cellphone is now my primary number. MJ is now the house phone. Works great.I use staight talk for my cell. So I have a house phone and cell phone for 45 a month with unlimited everything. 19.95 a month for high speed DSL. Got tired of the big companies wearing me out in these areas. Now 64.95 a month for all my communications, and I could reduce that to 49.95 a month if I did not have a smart phone. Stop throwing away money and not getting anything more for it!!!!

Posted by:

Joe Listerman
20 Aug 2011

I was trying to access the magic jack for use and my password you gave me does not work, I am taking back my computer that I bought to use with the magic jack and canceling any use of the magic jack I think the term magic jackass is more approprate for your product because you are a jackass is you think it is going to work. My e-mails for assistance came back us delivered so that tell you there is no tech support. Good luck with the magic jackassesssssssssssssssssssss.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Joe, you're barking up the wrong tree. This website is, not I am not MagicJack Support, and cannot help with your password problem.

Posted by:

Bob Greene
20 Sep 2011

This article is considerably dated, since Magic Jack now offers Magic Jack Plus. which does not require connection to a computer.

Posted by:

Brian B.
27 Sep 2011

After deciding to switch from DSL to cable, I also decided to cancel my land line phone since I had cell service and I never exceeded my monthly minutes. I also had a MJ that I had purchased a few years ago but never set up. I remembered I had the MJ and decided to install it on an old
Dell D600 laptop that wasn't using. I installed the MJ on the laptop and connected a phone. It worked perfectly. Then I had a thought, since I no longer had land line service through AT&T, what would happen if I connected the MJ to a phone jack in my wall instead of connecting it to a single telephone. I then took a phone and went to every phone jack in my house and had a dial tone from the MJ. So now I have a live phone in almost every room in my house provided by 1 MJ connection. Amazing.

Posted by:

Sandra Dauid
29 Sep 2011

My majicjack has stop working after 1st yr of seruice.....Please refund full proceeds to 3268 Fairfield Dr. Kissimmee Fl 34743

Posted by:

05 Oct 2011

how come our magic jack stop working when in fact we paid 5 years subscription for this and it is only 2 years is registered in the name of joel paraoan..kindly check this out..thanks

Posted by:

05 Oct 2011

MagicJack app for iPad

Currently once you install MagicJack App on your iPad, that iPad and whatever email account you used to register are LINKED together and you CANNOT do a clean install.

After any reinstallation (yes, even after deleting the app from iPad AND computer AND emptying trash/recycle bins AND clearing caches AND restarting computer) the application will go directly to a login screen and require the email account and login info from the original installation.

Tech support from MagicJack have confirmed that it will always revert to the Login screen after an installation and that their engineering department has been alerted. They would not say WHERE the link is (hidden on the iPad ?? or at their server ??) but there is apparently SOME link that is not broken by removing the app.

Sooooo - while the app functions well and may be a great time and cost saver.... if buying or selling a used iPad please consider that until a fix is provided, only the first Magic Jack app installation info can be used.

You cannot start fresh and (currently) you cannot even change the email address originally used for login !!!

Hopefully an update and fix will be forthcoming soon.

This info applies to the MagicJack app as installed on an iPad (the icon says TALK FREE ) from the Magic Jack company.

Posted by:

Rob Mortimer
07 Oct 2011

Hi Keith
Mine is just worse. the wife added her own e-mail when she set up her iphone MJapp .... big mistake now it wont let me add it to our MJ account and use the two numbers that we paid for.... you our fault but come on ..... there is a cookie or the device is locked to MJ like it used to be losked to the phone companies ...... this is unreal .... and there online support is rubbish ..... beware MJ buyers ..... also the Mjplus they just sold me the new super duper one that works via the router ..... forget it it will not work .... does for the very first call and after that it will not take the digit tones from the phone ..... MJ answer were woring on it ..... can they tell me when they will get a fix ..... well we dont know ... so expect to keep your computers on full time for a while longer folks ..... Magicjack is full of bull

Posted by:

Ron Sellers
12 Oct 2011

I've had Magic Jack a couple of years, I dedicated it to an old Dell desk top I no longer use and removed the monitor, it works great and free long distance is always nice

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